Gastronomic restaurant
Gigondas - 84190
Hotel restaurant de Montmirail
Le Montmirail restaurant is housed within a beautiful 19th century building, surrounded by vineyards, at the foot of the Dentelles de Montmirail. Fine gourmet cuisine in a peaceful setting.
- Opening times
- Spécialités
- Helpful info
Opening times
Du 20/04 au 15/10/2024.
Fermé le mardi.
Dates d'ouverture et fermeture pouvant varier. Fermé pour le déjeuner les jeudis et samedis et le mardi toute la journée.
Culinary specialties
Helpful info
Language(s) spoken
English, French
Payment methods
Bank/credit card, Check, Cash
Charging station
WiFi access
Shelter for bikes/mountain bikes, Terrace, Toilets, Defibrillator, Garden, Baby chair, Shady terrace